I have been having a crisis for a while now about what to do with my life, (I am still a teen) I really just don’t want to wait until I’m older and find that I haven’t done anything with my life and regret not starting anything sooner.

I really really value time and have never really been good at anything ever so I decided to try my hardest to actually pursue some things I really love the concept of, piano, some sports, and video games before it’s too late.
But the more I try to pursue these things the more I get confused or even realize, am I doing these because I like to do it? or just because I wanna do SOMETHING with my life? or am I doing it just to look cool?

I thought all these things because I just cannot find it in me to put the effort in to succeed in these things.
Even with video games, the one thing I thought was my foundation, the thing I was passionate about for over 10 years is now being questioned in my mind. Am I playing games because I enjoy it? or just because if I don’t keep playing it’ll all be a waste of 10 years?

What the hell do I do here? I just can’t find a single thing I can do without thinking that it’s a bother. Do I like all those activities but am just lazy? or do I just ONLY like the concept of it?

I truly do find all the mentioned activities interesting and beautiful, but the lack of effort from me makes me wonder a lot whether or not that feeling is real.

I think I really just need an outside perspective, please point out any ignorance of mine.

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