I made some prompts which I’m using to help me become more confident speaking to strangers. Today’s prompt was **‘Ask a stranger for a music recommendation’**


I’m sat here overthinking how I’m going to do this but I’m also okay with that. I’ve spent the first 25 years of my life in this mentality/thought process so it’s going to take time to unlearn some of it. The difference today is that I’m committed to showing my brain there’s nothing to actually be scared of.


As I walked around the supermarket, I looked for someone who seemed approachable. Finally, I approached an old lady and asked her for music recommendations. At first, she was confused, but after some explanation, she suggested the Bee Gees. As we parted ways, I walked home with a silly grin on my face, listening to some Bee Gees and feeling proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone.


Once I’d gotten over the approach, today was no different than any other interaction, the only difference was me getting into my own head. I think with time, that voice of self-doubt will diminish until it’s almost a whisper and then I could approach a complete stranger, ask them something off the cuff and have the same emotional state as if I were ordering a coffee.

It’s such as simple thing, approaching a stranger and it really is making me more confident. I can’t wait for tomorrow!

**If you have any thoughts/ideas for prompts which I could use to slowgress towards confidence with strangers then lmk.**

1 comment
  1. Well done.

    I can imagine you waking out with your head high listening “stayin’ alive “.

    Kind of a perfect song for that precise moment.

    Maybe coincidence maybe the universe talking to you.

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