Hello all first time posing under a throw away and on mobile.

Today when I came home from work to my pregnant wife(of 8 years), She had packed me a bag and told me she found my private reddit account and started to accuse me of cheating on her.
She was screaming and wouldn’t let me talk to her or defend my self. She said she found the story I posted detailing that I have cheated with a coworker and now the coworker is pregnant. She said she wanted a divorce and she won’t let me see my unborn child.

I have never cheated on her. Never thought about it. I don’t think I have ever given her a reason to think I did. I found the post she thought was mine and it has some similar details to our life. But it was posted over a year ago. Similar details is how we met ages and the fact I have a coworker that is pregnant. Other than that the post said that the OP has an older daughter. The coworker has been working with the OP for years. The coworker at my company started 4 months ago and was pregnant befor she started.

My wife is currently 6 months pregnant. With our first kid (a girl). We have had our ups and downs but nothing to cause this.

How do I convince her it was not me when she doesn’t wat to talk to me or hear me out? I can’t lose my wife or baby. My in laws won’t listen to me and my wife won’t pick up or text back.

  1. So I am going to assume she isn’t looking for a secret reddit account but came across a post with similarities.

    You may have to write her a letter saying clearly that you have never posted anything on reddit or had a secret account, but since you cannot prove a negative then what does she suggest you do? If she wants to talk to X and your co worker is up for it then offer that as well, including coworkers other half if necessary.

    You could also dm the account and see if they will dm your wife with something clearly that isn’t you, say when you are actually with her. It might work.

    Ask her if she is okay because some people get pre partum issues with mental health and clearly she was convinced it was you on only the barest of similarities.

  2. Do nothing.

    Let her calm down first.

    She’s clearly an illogical and emotionally volatile person.

    As you said, the post clearly contained details that don’t apply to you, your life or the people around you.

    Which she overlooked in her rage.

    So, okay. Leave her alone. Don’t contact her.

    When she calms down, she will go back over the post. And in a calm state realize that there are details that don’t apply to you at all.

    And she will realize she is wrong.

    And she will sheepishly call you and apologize.

    She’s 6 months pregnant. Most pregnant women don’t want to give birth without the father. So she will seek you out herself.

    You not contacting her anymore will make her question herself. And make her feel like she’s the one that’s wrong.

    But continuing to call and text her only makes you look guilty.

    Makes me think of a story I read in elementary school about a piece of string. A man had found a piece of string while walking down the road. He picked it up.

    Someone from afar saw him pick something up.

    Later that day some reported they lost their wallet along the road. And the man was accused because another person witnessed him picking something up.

    The townspeople all turned on him.

    He explained he picked up a bit of string. No one believed him.

    But Later on the wallet was found. And people doubted that he put it back because he didn’t want to get caught.

    In the end most people moved passed it.

    But the man who was wrongly accused kept talking about. To anyone who would listen. To explain he was innocent. Which in turn just made him look more guilty because he wouldn’t stop talking about it. Which was suspicious to everyone.

    If you’re innocent, say that once.

    And then nothing else.

    It would be complete radio silence from me. I’d leave her to come find me and apologize before I went back.

    In the mean time keep up your routine as if nothing has changed.

    Also, fuck your inlaws. I see where your wife gets it.

  3. Don’t defend yourself over such a stupid accusation at all. It’s not you, period.

    You should be much more concerned about her mental and hormonal state. Appeal to her parents that she needs medical attention and make sure she gets some.

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