How long could you last without using the internet

  1. Last? Last before what? I’m not going to literally die without using the internet. I might lose my job, the internet is a big part of that, but only because I don’t get reception at work so no one could contact me otherwise.

    I’ve got plenty of textbooks, cookbooks, novels, I can still get music and movies the old fashioned way. I’d have to put in more work to do things like shopping, and finding events, but that’s about it. Maybe get a homie to copy the weird porn I like over to VHS.

  2. Honestly? Not a long time. People say they could last indefinitely for one reason or another; but you’ll be surprised with how reliant we are on the internet now.

    Want to pay off credit cards? Use the internet

    Want to find good sources of the current news? Can’t trust most news sources these days besides that use online articles. CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, they’re all biased in one direction.

    Want to look up some obscure piece of knowledge? Hope you’re not in a rush to find out otherwise you’d have to go to a library and hope you can find what you’re looking for specifically

  3. I grew up without the Internet or cell phones. We were just fine (many would say that we were better off).

  4. About as long as it would take me to realize it’s the modern world and I can’t escape using the internet

  5. I go on vacation every summer and spend weeks without internet. I could go longer but I have to work.

  6. I’d go pretty stir crazy from being largely unable to communicate and coordinate with my friends.

  7. I mean, I’d have to find a new job. And I’d probably lose my house because nothing I could do locally non-tech related would pay the bills.

    Technically I could SURVIVE without the Internet, but not the way I do now.

  8. Most humans are very adaptable. Would go a few months with a dopamine crash, but would most likely learn to find ways to not be bored. I already hunt and fish so would probably go deeper into those passions. Probably end up reading more, going back to playing chess, card games and trying to find more like minded people.

  9. Severe boredom: 8-24 hours.

    Until the bailiff comes for my unpaid bills: next month.

    What’s the ruling for working with internet? I’d lose my job and starve to death if I could not work.

  10. In general? A day since I need it for work and transactions.

    Just for entertainment? Indefinetly, will take some getting used to but People adapt quickly enough.

  11. Several weeks at least since I have so many TV shows downloaded I could just watch all of them

  12. At first it would probably kind of suck but I could get used to it and live the rest of my life no problem.

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