Idk why this has been bothering me so much, but I wanted to talk about it here because I just wonder if anyone else relates. I always hear about people making friends online if they cant do it in real life, but I can’t even do that. If anything I feel like I come across even weirder online. Theres this Minecraft server I enjoy playing on, the majority of people on there are in my age range. Everyone has their own groups on there though, I don’t understand how they all know each other so well. I wonder if some of them are friends irl? I just don’t know how to talk on there. I don’t understand the etiquette of live chatting I guess.

If someone asks a general question like, whats your favorite color (just as an example), I answer but then regret it because I start wondering if they even intended me to answer. No one says anything back to me when I do. A couple of times I’ve awkwardly tried to join their conversations but no one responds back to me. I realized later that they probably thought it was weird because they didnt expect me just join in. Sometimes I ask questions and no one answers. Sometimes when they do, I feel like they think I’m dumb or annoying, just from the tone of their words.

I’ve had some nice interactions on there too. But sometimes I log in and just feel dread because I feel like they must be thinking, oh god theres that weird player again. Even though I enjoy playing on there. I dont understand, should I just stop trying to interact with people on there? How do people even get to know people online or in video games?

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