Would you sacrifice your life to save someone you love? Why/why not?

  1. yess, if I felt they’d be better off alive without me, than dead with me mourning them

    (because, I’d feel worse for not doing so)

  2. No. I just don’t see any reason, I have zero wish to *die* for someone else. When I’ve been suicidal, it’s because I feel like garbage, not because I want to off myself for someone else’s sake.

  3. My children. I’d risk a lot including health & injury for family & close friends but I gotta be alive to ensure both my girls grow up to be good human beings/women. My mother and Grandmother would understand why I’d have to sacrifice them as they raised me with the same attitude

  4. I honestly can’t say either way. I’d have to be in the moment and assessing the situation to make a determination.

  5. I would with my current partner because I already have a past of being a silly goose and trying to end things. And I’d rather somebody who appreciates life more take my place.

  6. Yes, but I’m also passively suicidal on my best days, so it doesn’t really mean anything.

  7. My child? Yes.

    Instinctual not even rational. But rationally, I’ve got a good set of “in case of death” plans with people I trust to take over and help my still living child navigate through their change in circumstance and beyond. Death of a child that I could have saved through action would be heavy upon me.

  8. 100% yes. Without question. But there’s only two people I would do that for, so it’s not a long list.

  9. Depends on the context, circumstances, and relationship. How certain am I that my death will save them? How certain am I that my death is *necessary* to save them? Will my death cause more pain and suffering to the person I saved? What will that put them through? How old are we? Who are we to each other?

    I tend to act to save others in dangerous situations regardless, but usually that happens too quickly for me to really consider it a choice to sacrifice myself. I’ve pushed people out of harm’s way, grabbed a snake that was about to strike a child, placed myself to help catch a falling person, stepped between a dangerous and delusional man with a knife and my friends he was threatening, etc. My instinct is to help keep people safe.

  10. Yes. Only my parents cause I love them. If I had a partner I truly loved well then him too.

  11. Absolutely not. I am single with no children and others aren’t my responsibility. It especially wouldn’t make sense for me to die for my older relatives, who already have less expected time left to live than I do (my mom would want to kill me herself for putting her through the loss of a child, honestly lol). My own life is the most valuable thing to me, not the lives of or relationships I have with other people. It sounds selfish because it is, and I’m okay with that.

  12. My kids, but that’s it, unless I didn’t have a good chance for survival or would be greatly injured and my loved one would be in much better condition then I’d be open to saving them.

  13. Yes. But at the same time you never know what you’ll actually do until you’re confronted with the emergency at hand. But if you’re asking right now, absolutely. Anyone I love — I’m there.

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