Hi Reddit,

I am on the verge of insanity. For the past several years that I’ve actively used my member, I’ve never ejaculated and I am getting genuinely worried.

When I masturbate, I’m able to get multiple spurts of precum (with very slight white coloring sometimes) with a good amount of time in between them, but these are just a few drops. I thought, maybe its a time thing, but I’ve genuinely tried jerking off for 30 minutes and nothing has come out. A few times, after waking up from a horny dream, my drawers have been soaked and sticky, but I genuinely do not know if this is from legitimate ejaculation or just a lot of precum and without a frame of reference, I don’t know how I can determine this.

I’ve wondered if its a mental block, that I’m not stimulating myself enough or contracting the wrong muscles (if that makes sense, I don’t know how else to put it). No amount of porn, hard or soft jerking off, different hand motions etc have worked, I still don’t spurt out significant amounts of sticky white ejaculate that I know other males are capable of.

So then I think to myself, maybe real sex would solve my issue, said mental block would go away, but I’ve turned down multiple chances due to my fear that I’ll make a fool out of myself if I can’t cum. My erections are very healthy and I don’t suffer from ED or anything, so I have no idea what could be causing this medically either.

I’m genuinely worried if this is a sign of infertility. I grew up in a really conservative household so it would be nearly impossible for me to ask this to an adult male in my family, I feel trapped and I hope you guys can help me.

  1. How often do you masturbate? It won’t be very miljy white if you masturbate a few times a day. Also, general speaking there aren’t “spurts” of precum, that part happens before your orgasm.

  2. Your prostate (not your testicles) is what creates the fluid that you ejaculate. It could mean an issue that requires a physician.

    A silly question: Are you actually having an orgasm? If it’s anorgasmia (the inability to reach orgasm) then you simply aren’t triggering the ejaculatory response. Anorgasmia is typically caused by medication. It is more of a psychological difficulty. Still, a physician can help you identify what’s up.

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