Hi 23m how do I go about shaving my pubes and balls thoroughly without cutting myself? Any tips or suggestions would be great appreciated.

  1. Don’t be too scared and shakey. Keep your hand steady, it looks intimidaring but it’s quick and painless. Another tip: Get yourself hard. Trust me, when you’re erect and your balls swell up, it makes the surface much easier to shave. I been doing that for years and never cut myself down there.

  2. This is my method and works for me.

    buy a nice trimmer and use the 1mm beard attachment to cut down a bulk of the hair on the scrotum/base of penis.

    Get in a hot shower and let it steam up and wash yourself like normal for about 8min.

    I put shaving cream on the areas Im going to shave (testicles and base of penis) to soften up the hair and let it sit for a minute before rinsing it off.

    Next I put a clear shave gel on the same areas and begin shaving.

    I Always use one of those Gillete twin blade disposables or a safety razor. I prefer your start with the twin blade as it is a little harder to use the safety razor if you never used one.

    Shave as much of the pubes with the grain before you shave horizontal.

    For the balls I just grab them in a way that the skin has a smooth surface and the razor can glide easily along the skin.(Hard to explain)

    After your out the shower use an unscented body lotion or one with light fragrance. Me personally I like the Jergens Soothing Aloe.

    **EXTRA TIPS**

    Always use a new blade/razor, you want the best tools when shaving this area

    Short shave strokes and rinse the blade after each stroke.

    Apply an even layer of Shave gel as needed to ensure there is no friction between skin and blade, thats what causes ingrow hairs when there is tugging of the hair.

    Steady hands.


    Just be careful shaving this area. Since this is an area where cuts occur , you must keep this area very clean if you do cut yourself as you easily get this area infected during sex and it can become infected on its own as that area is generally trapped in a dark and moist environment in our pants and underwear.

    Once you get shaving this area down to a science, it is a nice thing to do for yourself and your partner.

    Let me know if you have any questions or product recommendations.

  3. shaving horizontally instead of up or down makes the difference. i dont know about balls cause i don’t have any but hope that helps 🙂

  4. Don’t bother shaving, its a nuisance. Use a hair removal cream. Just make sure its a sensitive skin formula or one specifically for that area. I use Veet sensitive skin and it works wonders. As long as you follow the instructions carefully you’ll have no issue. I get everything from my shaft to my butthole smooth in like 10 minutes flat.

  5. My girlfriend got me the new Manscape 4.0 kit and I take care of all my trimming in the shower and it has safety guards when I want to get in really close in the shower I use my shaving cream and a 4 blade razor in hot water . I dry off and put the crop duster on it makes everything smell really nice afterwards it’s like after shave for the ball’s she loves it .

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