why do people believe we have to respond right away to their text messages ?
Is it common nowadays to believe everyone has to be glued to their phones 24/7 and expect a response right away, even thoguh that person far.
I had a colleague who had a meltdown bc i took 2 days to respond to her text (im not on my phone all the time). And even my boss would berate me for not looking at my phone.
As someone who grew up without technology, that’s a weird thing and to witness.

  1. Big difference between glued to your phone 24/7 and not using your phone for 2 straight days. Most people check their messages at least once a day and that only takes 5 minutes.

    Communication is an important part of relationships and jobs.

    >When i was babysitting, i would receive texts early in the morning (7h) and my job only started at 11. But since i didn’t respond they came to the conclusion they couldn’t trust me

    Babysitting requires good communication. If there is an emergency, the parents need to trust that they can contact you and that you will respond in a timely manner. That is not unreasonable.

  2. If somebody wants an immediate response then they should call, a text does not require an answer straight away.

  3. Texting does not require immediate answer unless it is pressing. In todays society you are required to engage in using technology to communicate in work and personal life. Checking once in the morning, mid day, and night before bed is extremely reasonable. Using social media and all that is unnecessary, but work texts and emails and personal life texts are something that just can not be avoided unless you want to drop everything and go live in a cabin in the woods.

    With that being said : to you HAVE TO be active and responsive on your phone? No absolutely not that’s your choice, but just don’t be surprised when people are puzzled or pissed as to why you’re not responding to them in a timely matter.

  4. i deal with this too. My friends and loved ones are a lil more understanding because they see the relationship i have with my phone n texting back in general. But i sometimes get this guilty feeling texting back a few days later because i know their the type of immediate response texting. I see these people on a regular basis and they know I don’t deliberately ignore them; i just wonder if my lack of engagement in texting is rude or something:/

  5. Taking 2 days to respond is kind of wild. I can understand a few hours but 2 days? I would be very irritated by that. Context matters and this is a very nuanced situation.

  6. I’m just going to put it out there… you can’t say you “grew up without technology” as a way to dodge work communication.

    I kind of grew up without email. That doesn’t mean I can not check my work email for two days. I check it periodically throughout the day because it’s an expectation of my position.

  7. 2 days is a bit much. You don’t have to be glued on it but checking a couple times a day would be all that’s needed. I’d be pretty worried if someone took over a day to respond

  8. 2 days is excessive. Even when we only had landlines people checked their messages once a day.

    When you say you grew up without tech, do you literally mean no electricity?

  9. I understand that not everybody spends as much time on their phones as I do and is not obliged to answer right away, but it really is offending when someone is obviously active and doesn’t reply on purpose for a long time. I mean at least say something like you’re gonna read it later???

  10. Some of us use text to communicate our work schedule (I work in surgery, so the schedule is unpredictable). If I’m on call, I am responsible to respond right away.

  11. I’m so socially anxious I sometimes never respond to people I don’t know or have known in the past but not close to 😔

  12. The internet and existence of smartphones has given many people a sense of entitlement in regards to our time. We’re basically expected to be available 24/7 just because we have phones. Me and some of my closest friends have gone weeks or even a couple of months without interacting, but whenever we do — it’s always a vibe and it’s as if we never stopped.

    That being said, work communication is different and is an important part of maintaining relationships and information exchange. I’d say 2 days is a bit much in this context

  13. OP-please read to the end: In general I try to respond no later than 4hrs after receipt. However I have setup a notification to occur every time I receive a text from close family, my boss or his boss. Depending on what’s going on at work I may add someone until the project completes.

    Not having grown up with technology it can be difficult to integrate into someone’s life. That’s okay. Just takes some patience and not giving up.

    Personally if I send someone a text about something that is time sensitive that’s how I start the text, “TIME SENSITIVE”. If I do not hear back in ~1hr I call the person. When I need answer more quickly I call immediately.

    Other’s may disagree but your coworker flipping out is BS. That’s on her/him. Not you. Why? Because they should have dialed your number instead of staring mindlessly at their fricken text app.

    I get the impression you are a polite, respectful person and a good team player. All great qualities. Please do not let this coworker encounter get you down.

    I strive to behave in a similar way. But if I experienced the same thing you did my response would not have been pleasant. Sending an important text and not making a call if there is no response, well that’s BS. It’s on them.

    Hope that helps. Good luck 🍀

  14. I only message my Fiancé, I don’t socialise so I don’t understand social culture at all. If I have ever messaged someone and they took ages to reply I just find that incredibly rude because if it was me I would make sure to respond as quickly as I could (usually same day)

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