In addition to your regular weekend days.

  1. 100% Fridays. I don’t mind Mondays, you expect the crap that comes with it. But on Fridays your ready to give up

  2. Fridays for sure! My office already closes at 1p on Friday so we’re halfway to that sweet sweet three day weekend.

  3. Mondays. Worst day of the week to work. Best day of the week to do fun stuff without crowds.

  4. Monday because Friday is the more common holiday of a three day weekend. So if you get holidays off already, Monday off makes it a four day weekend. Also, if you want a day off during the week to get things done which may be closed or busy on the weekend, Monday is a good day for that. Except a haircut.

  5. Mondays. I’d be down for a T-Sa schedule. Better yet, give me 4-10s. Do you know how uncrowded stuff is on Monday? The lake, Costco, restaurants, you name it.

  6. I’ve had a schedule with Fridays off, and a schedule with Mondays off, would definitely pick Mondays off.

    Pretty much everywhere is open Mondays to schedule various appointments, since it’s the begining of the week you’re more motivated to get things done, run errands etc. When everyone is complaining on a Sunday gathering about work the next day you get to have a Sunday funday knowing you can sleep in. Also work is usually more lax at the end of the week so it’s more fun to work then.

  7. I used to work on a schedule with 3 day weekends that alternated between Monday and Friday.

    I definitely preferred Monday.

  8. Friday because tuesday will just become the new monday. This js presuming it is like a globally declared. AIGHT NO FRIDAYS! so then holidays transfer to monday or thursday.

  9. Fridays. Monday seems like it should be the answer, but Fridays feel more like part of the weekend and align better with doing weekend stuff with other people. Being off on mondays is boring.

  10. Friday.

    Mondays suck, but if you skip monday working then on your monday off you just dread tuesday because it’s the new monday. No one cares if you take Friday off, so it’s the perfect “free” day off.

  11. What kind of a choice is this? I don’t like conditional choices. I want Fridays and Mondays off.

  12. Since I work for a school, Friday, because most of our built in vacation days are Monday! Plus by Thursday evening I am checked out and exhausted.

    Monday would be my pick if I worked elsewhere.

  13. Give me Fridays off. You’re far more likely to see holidays fall on Mondays than Fridays, setting up 4 consecutive days off.

  14. Friday. People are saying Monday because they hate it. They hate it because it’s the start of the work week. Tuesday would just be the new Monday.

  15. I’d say Monday, but then it’d just make Tuesday suck. Friday, at least you can relax before you go out for the night (if you do.)

  16. Just me or everyone? Assuming just me:

    Unless they’d agree that I’d get Tuesdays off if Monday was a holiday, I’d pick Friday… there are five federal holidays set on Mondays, one Thursday, and rest moving. In my state, there’s one more Monday one.

    If they’d agree to Tuesdays off, then I’d pick Mondays.

  17. Friday. You still have to live through Monday… even if it’s delayed til Tuesday.

  18. Friday. I’m tired and stressed on Friday, I’m rested on Monday. Monday sucks because it is the first day of the week, but if you have Monday off than Tuesday will such for the same reason Monday sucks.

  19. I’m about to go to a four day work week and will have Fridays off. We’ll see. Of course we’ll probably have to work overtime on Friday’s a lot but at least I get a guaranteed Saturday now.

  20. Friday, the snow at my local ski area is usually better on Friday than on Monday when it has spent the two preceding days being obliterated by the weekend hordes.

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