I do enjoy sex but I’m not sure why I get bored of it very quickly. My ideal scenario is 10 min of foreplay, 10-15 min until climax and after I’m just done and become disinterested and becomes a chore of goes for longer. I was told by my partner that I’m not a sexual person but I kind of took offence to that as I do really enjoy sex but for quite short periods of time…I also only crave it about once a week. Does anyone else relate? I feel kind of weird this way…

  1. Some people do not have interest in multiple orgasms and need a lot of time to recharge, some women can get over stimulated with prolonged vaginal sex. You like what you like, we can’t say exactly why.

  2. I would not feel bad about your sexuality. Everyone is different and everyone likes different things. If you want to make some changes there, then do. If you are happy and don’t want to change anything then don’t.

    There are lots of differences in what people like, frequency, acts, etc. I agree with finding the right partner but at some point in a healthy relationship both partners will have to compromise to some degree.

  3. You probably just described most of the satisfying sex that takes place in the world.
    If you are young, you might be surrounded by hyper-sexual people, but what you just described is pretty typical.

  4. I think in a long term relationship it changes. Even when I was single I didn’t encounter marathon sex very much. I would be very up front about it. Plenty of people have sex where both climax, they hang and cuddle for a bit, then go to sleep or go about their day.

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