#edit me being an f wondering how most guys feel after I confess. Like is it wrong to hide that thing from your SO?

  1. That’s hot. Hopefully that means she talks a good game in the bedroom. And has some adventurous side of her.

  2. I wouldn’t particularly want to know, but if it came up I wouldn’t be too surprised. Who hasn’t sexted strangers online

  3. Depends on the before. If it’s right after getting to know each other, couldn’t care less. But there is a moment where you know younare exclusive, and basically in a relationship. I wouldn’t be too happy about it, but it would be my fault for not making things exclusive.

  4. Look it’s your choice to tell him if he asks or otherwise. If he gets shitty about what you did before you met than he’s a boy, not a man and you probably won’t work out. He could be cool though, let’s hope. I’d probably just keep it to yourself but there are some guys that into hearing that shit.

  5. before the relationship? i don’t care. i wouldn’t consider it hiding if she didn’t tell me. it was before. she’s allowed to have ex boyfriends, ex flings etc and she doesn’t have to hide that. during the relationship? nah. i would consider that as cheating (unless she has asked if it was okay and i would have said yes) and would most likely break up.

  6. i gotta be honest i think it’s kind of cute that you want to confess for what i wouldn’t even care about tbh. I’d look at you like what? ok?

  7. I would say I had a feeling we spoke before we got together small world what a coincidence

  8. Don’t tell him. Just love em & show him that you respect him & don’t be argumentative. You’ll be fine.

    Most men rather not know a woman’s sexual past, although sexting isn’t a big deal in my opinion.

  9. Who cares!!Sexting is a hell of a lot better then taking money shots every other day!

  10. I wouldn’t give a flying fuck. I’d think it was odd that:

    A. She brought it up at all.

    B. She considered it a ‘confession’.

    Being raised culturally Christian really fucks people up.

  11. Wouldn’t care. In my opinion, most things that she has done before we were together are not my business. When your girl is telling you something about her past she is not confessing, she is confiding in the man she loves and trusts.

  12. It’s definitely something you should bring up, because some fucked up people might blackmail you with old pictures, or if your SO happens across them online it could derail the relationship. So better to bring it up sooner than later.

    Personally I would be a little upset about accidentally coming across the pictures online, but the confession in of itself wouldn’t bother me. I’ve seen lots of strangers naked in my life, it would be pretty hypocritical if I judged an SO for doing it. But if I came across them online I would be helping her get them taken down very quickly.

  13. Ethically you have nothing to feel bad about. I don’t think you need to “confess” it. It’s something you might want to share if you enjoy sexting and which to do it with a partner.

    If anything it’s a test. If he gets bent out of shape over it then you have your first red flag that maybe he’s not the one.

  14. I can talk about my past relationships and not have a problem with it. I can even listen to my partner talk about her experiences without a problem.

    If her body count is high and she’s lying about the number or trying to cover that up, then she’s not the one for me.

    I have sext others before though I don’t really get anything out of it. I’m the one typing and she’s just rubbing her bean.

  15. The old adage ‘Let sleeping dogs lie applies here. BF doesn’t need to know every detail of your life. You can bet he has a few skeletons in his closet he doesn’t want rattled. There’s a time and place to reveal such secrets, and usually that time is NEVER, and the place is ‘in your dreams’.

  16. Before the relationship no. If that’s a thing for her, explore it with her directly. That’s a great enhancer if you’re also willing to explore it

    After the relationship, yes a problem.

  17. The first rule is not to be going in to whatever they did before. If they where cheating or some shady id be out. But sexting? Comon buddy 😉

  18. Don’t care. Anything that happened before me isn’t my concern. Hiding something from me NOW is a big issue.

  19. Sexted? That’s it? Is this the new “showing a little ankle” scandal? It’s a non-issue. You don’t even need to “confess.”

    Were you at least violating some court order to stay off of the Internet? I honestly can’t figure out why this matters at all.

  20. i wouldnt care i dont think, since it wasnt during the relationship. not sure id prefer knowing over not knowing though, cause i tend to overthink things.

  21. You’re not hiding anything just because you’re not divulging what you’ve done before you were together. My policy is that if they ask, I’ll answer and same for them. But that’s your business and it’s not a big deal to 99.9 percent of all men.

  22. If it was before the relationship, I wouldn’t care in the slightest. On the other hand, if I don’t ask about it, I wouldn’t care to know. And I definitely wouldn’t ask, because what my partner does before our relationship isn’t my business.

  23. The key thing is that it happened prior, not during. The other thing that matters is that I have done the same in the past, so it’s not as big a deal to me. If I hadn’t done things like that then I would probably have a more adverse reaction.

  24. Its better to ask for his consent of regards.

    What I mean by this is in order for you to know for sure if he wants to know ask him if he’d like to know about parts of your past that your not sure would make him uncomfortable or if he prefer to leave the past alone and for him to judge you based off who you are now and your actions.

    This is important because it allows him to choose before you assume he even wants to know.

    Some people are more comfortable with not knowing or possibly talking about the matter more into the future when they feel more secure with you.

    Do not approach this with fear of result but accountability of who you were and who you are now.

    This was not an action that is present but your issue is present so its best to confront this because its important to you to be able to trust your partner is able to handle the reality of your past or if he would feel its best for him just not to know and move forward. This doesn’t mean it may not become a curiosity in the future. Also pay attention to who he is and don’t let this scare you.

    If he says something implying that criticizing the kind of person you were and how he would not want someone like that leaving you uncomfortable then consider sitting down with him and having a deep conversation about your past and understanding if he decides he does not want to remain in the relationship.

    We are not looking to be with people who’s realities we can control but those who can respect and grow with us.

    If you do comunicate about your past make it clear your intentions for the future may that be to possibly continue these actions or that being fully your past and no longer your wants for the future.

    Make sure this is honest especially for you.

    We can claim things but change our minds later so be sure.

  25. I wouldn’t be worried about it. My wife and I shared our dating history with each other. I feel like it’s important to know about the other. It’s part of what makes them who they are and what there life was like. We don’t share details but we don’t have any secrets.

  26. I don’t care to know my current partners’ past relations. But if it came up —whatever, it was in the past. As long as it’s not during.

  27. The only answer is I don’t want to know anything of her past. And she doesn’t want to know mine either.

  28. Why would I care? It was before me, and let’s face it, I wasn’t a virgin when we got together

  29. Before the relationship? if its very very extensive than thats a problem, but I don’t really care

  30. You’re going to shit when you realize women have often sucked other guys dicks and fucked them before you stated dating them

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