I’ll be 30 this year, and I’m not able to go for round 2 immediately like I used to when I was younger. My refractory period can be hours now. I know my wife probably wishes it was less. I hope this isn’t a sign of what’s to come

  1. I’m 36. I can go back to back and multiple rounds per night. But not everyone is the same. I’ve just never slowed down since I was young. Maybe talk to your doctor and see if your testosterone is low.

  2. 55 there are many, many variables. Sometimes I just need some smootching, sometimes it takes a while.

  3. 32 here. Once out of every fiveish times I can shoot and get back to it within a couple minutes. I could probably get it up after the first shot every time, but usually we don’t care to try.

  4. I’m 44, and I can go round 2 around 20 min ish. It depends on what stimulation I get after round 1.

  5. 65. Highly variable. When I was in my 20s it was probably 30 minutes. Now usually 1-2 hours

  6. My current 42-year-old partner usually needs a couple hours before he can go again, but I’ve slept with men over 30 for whom that is not true. It’s really individual. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. There are plenty of other things you can do in bed to please her if you’re not ready for round 2.

  7. 34 here it takes maybe 5 minutes then im ready for round 2 but yeah ive found that my Sex drive changed dramatically since i hit my 30s

  8. I’m 44. If I’m masturbating, I can go again 10 mins later if motivated.

    With a woman I probably need 30 minutes to make sure I’m hard enough to fuck again. Sometimes it’s just not possible a second time, don’t know why.

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