I’m a man who has been struggling with social anxiety and bullying for a while now and also hard to create a connection with somebody ( i cant start or maintain a conversation). Whenever I try to be myself, I find it hard to connect with others and enjoy life. I’m often told to take it easy and not make things too big, but I find it hard to do so.

I’ve been advised to not take things personally, but when someone bullies me, I often find myself at a loss for words. I usually end up just smiling, even though deep down, it hurts me a lot. This problem has led to many issues in my life, and I’ve realized that the problem isn’t with society, but with me.

Whenever I meet new people, the same scenario seems to repeat itself. I prefer one-to-one connections as I find dealing with a group overwhelming, and I often end up being bullied or just not talking at all. but at the end both with same problems,

I’m here to ask for advice on how to overcome my social anxiety and deal with bullying. I want to learn how to be myself and connect with others without feeling anxious or worried about being bullied. I’m open to any suggestions and would appreciate any advice that you may have.


Thank you.

  1. One thing I see a lot on here is people self prescribing themselves with social anxiety. Stop! No you don’t have social anxiety, you just have poor social skills and need practice, you are not mentally ill, you are normal and need practice. From now on, just practice more consistently, journal what you could say next time instead of what you said before that didn’t work when you had that conversation with Jim or whoever. No more labels, just more practice.

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