So me (M21) and this woman (F21) have been seeing each other since October last year and have been on 3 dates she reminisces on our dates when we text sometimes but to me recently seems to be a bit off/distant, she takes ages to reply to texts and when she does it’s short as if she doesn’t return the energy I give her, you know what I mean. She has excuses to not hanging out but idk if are true or not. But I’m just baffled on whether she’s interested in me still or should I just break it to her and tell her I haven’t got time to waste.

  1. i think she isn’t interested but it’s probably not even worth your time to tell her you don’t have time to waste. that in itself would be a waste of time

  2. Women who are interested in you will make the dating process EASY. If you are setting up dates and she’s constantly using excuses and not really putting the effort to find another time to meet, she’s not interested.

  3. Just wait until she msgs u first.. u be surprised to find that she will mostly likely never msg u again. She is slowly ghosting you.

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