My wife and I are in a very loving and healthy relationship. We’ve been married a few years. Lately though I noticed during and after sex I keep thinking to myself how I wish her pussy was tighter. I’m average dick size, erect = 6” long, 5.5” girth. I am starting to think about previous girls pussies I’ve had that were way tighter than my wife’s (it would be like an exercise to get mine into them, whereas with my wife it slips right in). She has very wide hips. Don’t get me wrong, sex with my wife is good and I’m always able to cum (it just doesn’t fee as explosive as with the other girls). And In the past, she’s said a few things that made me think she’s conscious of it (are you enjoying it? How come you’re taking so long? She also sometimes does kegels while we’re in the middle of sex), but I have always affirmed that I love hers. She also almost always comments in a semi joking fashion when a petite girl walks by me and says stop thinking of/looking at her when I completely wasn’t. But unfortunately these thoughts have been becoming more and more frequent. I love my wife incredibly but am curious how other married men out there have dealt with this.

  1. I dunno man, it sounds like you are inventing a problem with your wife in order to justify fantasies of other women. You frame it as your wife not being “as tight” when it could also be framed as your dick not being big enough.

  2. Tbh I think there is a bit of nostalgia bias. Just because other women’s vaginas have been tighter feeling doesn’t mean they are actually tighter. What it probably means was in that moment whoever you were having sex with wasn’t turned on enough and wasn’t wet. You want a women to be turned on while you’re having sex, it shouldn’t be a struggle for you to penetrate. That’s not very fun for the woman involved.

    And sex with her probably doesn’t feel as explosive because it sounds like you aren’t being very present if you are thinking about how tight her vagina is or other past hookups you have. And your wife can probably pick up you not being present so she is feeling self conscious, not that she actually thinks something is wrong herself, but you’re making her feel like there is.

  3. Maybe the other women you were with weren’t very turned on so they weren’t softened and as wet.

    Loosen your grip while masturbating and use lube when you do, will get your body more used to not needing a death grip.

  4. I am saying this in all seriousness… It sounds like your exes were dry af and did not enjoy sex with you. It is not supposed to be difficult to insert your average penis in an aroused woman.

  5. What kind of…*sigh* let’s discuss vaginas shall we. The size of the vagina has NOTHING to do with hip size. Where did you get that bit of nonsense? When a woman is genuinely aroused, her vaginal muscles relax and soften to make penetration it easier for her body. You aren’t supposed to be fighting your way in. I can assure you that super tight for you means it is extremely painful for her. Second of all, you have been having sex for years so her body has relaxed and adjusted to your size and soooo this is a YOU problem not a her problem.

  6. Dude, really?

    I’ve been married for almost 14 years, together for 17. We’ve been exclusive with each other for that time period. I had other partners prior to my wife as well.

    I’m not the type of guy who had a “type” and I dated girls much more petite in frame and height than my wife and girls with dramatically different body types and larger than my wife. But I’m with her.

    > I love my wife incredibly but am curious how other married men out there have dealt with this.

    I don’t “deal” with it. I’m stoked to have sex with my wife. Sure there are other pussies out there, but it doesn’t matter because I said “I do” to my wife.

    Are you inventing this issue where your wife is thoroughly aroused by you to the point where her vagina might be a little “looser” because she is excited for you? There have been a few times where my wife has gotten so extremely excited and aroused that there is not as much friction, but those times I just keep at it for her and her pleasure because she’s clearly enjoying things. The fact that you “slip right in” sounds like she’s enjoying the sex with you and she is getting really wet.

    Here is a phrase to live by:
    > Comparison is the thief of joy

    The more you compare your spouse to others, or compare your life to others, the less happy you may become because you start wanting what you don’t have. Enjoy what you have and the sex that is good with your partner…

  7. It always amazes me when guys post about this and never think that relaxation and excitement create this “issue”.

    It sounds as if your wife is both excited and relaxed. Guess what the female human body does when that happens?

    Yes, there are exercises and yes you should talk to your wife about this. However, do some real research on how the vagina reacts and works before you do. If you come in blaming her or pinning it as her problem like this post did you will regret it for a long time. Play with new positions and new things. Ways that may have never worked before may feel amazing with her. This isn’t a problem, this is an opportunity.

  8. I don’t mean to insult you so I genuinely hope you don’t take it as such.

    With your average size, the average vagina is made to accommodate that when aroused. It is a common misconception that when a vagina is tight, it is aroused. What it actually means is that the woman is *not* enjoying the penetration. When she is relaxed and aroused, her vaginal canal will expand and elongate to receive penetration.

    It’s possible that you are just better at having sex with your wife or she is comfortable with you.

    Another possibility is *your* anatomy is changing somehow? Of maybe she is more excitable, making things feel like there is less grip or friction?

    Of course, some vaginas are just wider set. Maybe you are just now noticing it because of something going on in your head?

    I guess it’s also possible her anatomy changed but I can’t think of any reason or way as the vagina is very flexible and doesn’t get “worn out”?

    Anyway, what’s foreplay like? Do you try other types of sex? What about your connection and overall intimacy?

    Also, do you think your reminiscing about ex’s is just because of the sex with your wife or are you generally thinking about other women and making changes for yourself?

  9. My wife is not as tight as she was before kids and I actually prefer it. If you are masturbating to porn a lot you need to stop. Any woman’s vagina should be perfectly fine for sex but they are all different and change over time as well.

  10. My boyfriend has your girth and I am a regular of r/bigdickproblems. I can take him very easily (unlike 75% of women), and I am probably the only person that is able to have quickies with him. My DMs are full of BDP members wanting to have sex with me because they struggle to find women who can take that big.

    100% OP is a troll.

  11. Can you imagine if OPs wife posted about her husband having a small cock and reminiscing about prior larger dicks she’s had inside her? Try different positions and rhythms.

  12. She is aroused more than the others you have been with, be grateful she wants to have sex with you

  13. As men age, they become “less hard”. Just fyi.

    Last time i asked a guy those questions, i couldn’t tell if he was in – and it was my first partner too. Short and skinny. When i hold it, it disappeared. (But given i was a virgin, i had no idea that was not normal.)

  14. Dude … dude. Seriously? Chances are she probably wishes you were bigger, too. Maybe your penis is too small! Go get something to increase that girth for the poor woman. She’s most likely thinking about it … I wonder how she deals?

  15. I cannot fathom how anyone would think this is an okay thing to write, think, believe. This is your WIFE, someone you chose to live your life with, and you have reduced her down to genitals you are unhappy with. I hope she leaves you.

  16. Your wife isn’t as “tight” because she’s actually turned on by you and has sex with you frequently enough to be ready for you.

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