I (24FtM) met almost two months ago a (27) woman with whom I have went on several dates, including sex and we text everyday. Last week she even moved a meet up with her best friend to another day to see me and she also asked me another time if she can come over spontaneously, because she misses me… She even told me on our second date something very intimate about an illness she has, that only her closest friends and family know about, so I thought she might be looking for something more serious… Yesterday while we ate dinner at her place and she mentioned that she stopped using tinder I asked her if we want to be exclusive and she said no and then explained that she doesn’t want a relationship in general that she’s not ready for that, that’s she doesn’t want that kind of responsibility etc. Also she stated that she might not use dating apps for now, but if she would meet someone in real life she wouldn’t mind jumping in bed with them…
Slowly I’m asking myself if something is wrong with me??? Like I state in my dating profiles that I’m monogamous and look only for a relationship and I still meet people who just don’t get it… or maybe I’m too blind in the beginning to notice that they are unavailable??? Or am I that horrible that nobody wants to be in a relationship with me???
I also don’t get it how people can be all cuddly and intimate with each other without getting attached or evolve any feelings towards the other person?
So now I’m not completely sure if I should just go cold turkey and cut her off or just meet up less with her and date other people if possible…

1 comment
  1. It’s easy to feel like something is wrong with you, especially when you’re using online dating platforms. It’s even easier to feel like something is wrong with you when you’re trans and using online dating platforms. I’ve felt it very often. But it’s important to remember that just because your needs don’t align with someone else’s doesn’t mean you’re inadequate or that there’s something wrong with you. Remember to be patient with the process, even if it feels like you just keep trying to no avail.

    You’ll get where you need to be, with who you need to be with. Give it time, her needs could change! In the meantime, don’t wait around for her. Continue doing your thing, and maybe the stars will align in the future. Good luck!

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