Okay, this is going to sound fairly unbelievable, but it’s 100% true, and I need to know if I’m the only one this happens to, because it’s freaked me out for a long time.

My size my wife is very happy with. Once maybe every six months, though, my erection is WAY bigger than normal. No, I haven’t measured it, but we could be talking cms (or an inch / an inch and a half). It’s happened since I was about 20. The timing of this weird occurrence meant I’d never had sex with it up until this point; at 40 yrs old.

My wife and I were about to have sex and it actually happened. Needless to say the timing could not have been better… I won’t go into details but let’s just say ‘every bit of space was used’ and I was grinding areas I’d never felt before; and afterwards she was noticeably impressed, and was like ‘how HUGE were you?’. If this big size increase happened every time – I’d be pretty happy.

I can cancel out weight loss, weight gain, medical issues; it’s just on very rare occasions I look down and 👀!!!!!

(PLEASE bring back flexible WFH and flexible break times!!!!!!!) 😀

Anyway; I ask you kind ppl is this completely unusual or has anyone else had this experience of being absolutely huge once in a blue moon?! How does it happen? What’s the reason?

  1. I’ve experienced this several times, but never to that degree. I think you were just extra horny lol

  2. Had the same happen… seems to be when I’m aroused and enjoying sexual relationships for longer periods of time… noticeable difference in size and hardness

  3. Foreplay and anticipation are certainly a huge help. Someone mentioned being hydrated and I def wouldnt dismiss that. Id look into the mechanics of an erection in terms of hormones and maybe eat supplementary foods and also keep aware of any exercises being done that day, it is all blood vessels after all!

    (Also, smoking and other substances can constrict blood vessels, a day with minimal consumption would def contribute to a stronger erection)

  4. I had this happen only once that I know of. I was about 23 years old. Pretty early in a relationship with lots of sex. One day I noticed that it seemed much bigger than usual. I measured and instead of my normal 6-1/4” it was a full 7”. Nothing like that has happened in the 42 years since. 🤷‍♂️ I have no idea what triggered it.

  5. Have you tried Ashwagandha? My penis literally grew half an inch upon supplementation for two months, maybe it’ll work for you too. It raises T levels and has other effects, so please do your own research!

  6. Your blood volume will be inconsistent month over month. That and hydration can vary the size of your erection. Yes, it happens to all men. Some are more extreme than others.

  7. As someone who has used different kinds of steroids with varying amounts of DHT or estrogen involved, I can assure you that this has to do with hormonal fluctuations, when something peaks just right, it’s definitely a lot bigger.

  8. Yeah, I’ve definitely get it a few times a year, mainly when I’m extremely aroused but a few times just at random. It’s not like any longer but thicker instead. It’s pretty cool and my wife definitely notices it as well because she’ll comment on it nearly every time.

  9. I call them Superboners. I used to get them pretty frequently as a teenager and into my early 20s. Nearly 40 now and I only get one every few months.

  10. I’ve experienced that when a long dry spell and being extremely turned on worked together and achieved that.. not to the extent you describe, but noticeable.

  11. Sometimes I’m about 6 in and sometimes I’m 7 and 1/2 or more. When I was younger it pretty much was always the larger size, as I’ve gotten older, sometimes it gets fully big. Sometimes it just doesn’t

  12. I get huge erecting since I started prostate play. My dick gets crimson taught and shiny, feels like it will explode, and during PIV my wife can feel me extra deep. I have never measured the difference but I have gotten comments from women like “wow you are really hard”. It’s a common effect form prostate play. You can try cock rings too (but learn how to use them, they can be dangerous if used incorrectly).

  13. A few times yeah. Once as a teen I was horny I snuck out and jerked off in the bushes in a park (was careful no one saw) and had to cum again like 10 mins later when I got back, felt like a few cm longer and a bit thicker.

  14. The Moon and Mars will share the same right ascension, with the Moon passing 0°32′ to the south of Mars.

    At around the same time, the two objects will also make a close approach, technically called an appulse. It’s during this small window of time that many men will experience larger than normal boners.

  15. Hey dude m, yes this usually happens to me if I’m in a relationship that is fulfilling and I’m feeling aroused by the woman I’m with and things are well in other regards. You’re fine, you’re healthy and you have a great partner.

  16. A testosterone burst may do this.
    Check with your doctor.
    He may prescribe little blue pills to help ensure they are a regular thing

  17. Guys have monthly cycles like women where our testosterone levels increase and dip. More than likely this is a higher testosterone level time making you more active.

  18. Maybe it happens when you say a certain food, since some can be vasodilators something could be affecting your size.
    Could be amino acids or something like arginine in the food. Try to keep a diary the days after it happens with a look back on the previous day/nights events, hydration, diet etc.
    Very interesting.

  19. Not an answer, but you should try taking bluechew, Viagra, etc sometime. I don’t necessarily need it either, but occasionally I take about half a bluechew just as a little bonus, and it keeps me 110% hard for multiple rounds straight. Plus the sex just feels better for you and your partner when you’re that hard, I think of it kind of like a sex toy.

    I haven’t experienced what you’re talking about here, but one of those meds might be able to summon that mysterious super erection.

  20. That happens to my bf on occasion, but it’s like after he’s having a normal erection and we’re doing sexual things, it will suddenly just get huge. It’s amazing. I love it when it’s normal sized too.

  21. Anything that’s a vasodilator or blood thinner does this too me. Weirdest of all was pickled beets… turns out they’re a good source of nitrous oxide, a vasodilator, watermelons too… I’m almost 50 and take low dose Cialis everyday for BPH, couple that with beets, Pre-Workouts, watermelons… my morning wood is like a damn truncheon at times 🤷‍♂️

  22. Increased blood flow to the area. That’s why cock rings are so popular. I notice this being the case with certain positions as well. It’s fun and it’s normal

  23. My husband gets this. Yesterday, in fact, he was, I almost swear half again his usual size. Usually I can take him but yesterday we had to go extraaaaasloowwwlllyy 😆

  24. Try doing cardio exercises regularly and see if it becomes more regular. I had the exact same thing but after building up my cardio fitness my wife has said that I am much bigger than usual. I would say my size increase is from 6.25” to 7” but also have been able to go another round almost immediately after the first which was not the case before.

  25. I have had this happen at elevation a few times. We live closer to sea level. It was crazy. My wife could barely handle my size. We call it Rocky Mountain Dick (RMD).

  26. My husband has always had extremely high blood pressure and I notice if he’s taken his meds an hour or two before we fuck he’s not as big/hard but if it’s been awhile and he’s due for his second dose of the day and we fuck it’s the hardest thing imaginable and as big as it can possibly get.

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