I (30M) recently got out of a divorce from a 7 years marriage, and I feel like I lost the ability to make and mantain friends. I see myself constantly alone, specially weekends, and basically accepted that I spend most of my time by myself.

Many of my friends were “inherited” by my ex wife after the divorce, and while they aren’t hostile to me I dont feel comfortable reaching out to me. The ones that I keep contact and new colleagues from work I feel uncomfortable to constantly bug them for company and I dont want to feel like they have to babysit me, socially-wise.

I also noticed I am constantly brooding over my actions and words when I do go out with friends and coworkers, obsessing that I am actually a very unpleasant company to have.

I was always a very outgoing person and never had a problem to mantain friends. Yet here am I. My biggest issue is an almost inability to reach out to people. Sometimes it almost feel like I am asking them out on a date, it just makes me so nervous. I was never like this.

1 comment
  1. The current divorce may be the reason. Just know that you are definitely going to recover from that and stop thinking negatively. instead become more optimistic and you will see your social skills gradually go back into place

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