My gf is around 8 weeks pregnant and she has been a mess to say the least. She’s constantly sad and stressed about random things and barely wants to spend time together. When we do it’s awesome and we enjoy it. But she barely wants to go out because she thinks she’s ugly, she’s always hurting or depressed acting. During phone calls she’ll get in a bad mood and say things like “I may not want to talk tomorrow if I’m in a bad mood” “I don’t want to stress and I just want to be alone”, “maybe we should stop talking” things that really bum me out tbh. But then after I talk to her she apologizes and says she wasn’t thinking right. I really care for this girl and I sometimes don’t think she realizes just how much. I’d like to raise baby together but her saying these things really makes me upset and idk what to do about it. Any help?

TL;DR Gf is pregnant and seems to be pushing me away no matter what.

1 comment
  1. How are you showing her that you love her, think she is beautiful, and want to raise this baby with her?

    I got pregnant at 22 and was mostly miserable because I felt fat, gross, ashamed, hopeless, scared, hormonal, starving, and tired all the time.

    If there was ever a time your gf needed you to go above and beyond, right now is it, imo.

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