I (20f) am usually the kind of person to stay locked away if I’m not working, don’t really want to interact with others (do a lot of this at work) and it’s just easiest to avoid em if I don’t go out >.< But recently Ive felt that I’m missing something, like I should be doing but am not. My sister suggested I start going out and today I finally did it after months of talking myself out of it. I went to Barnes and Noble, bought some Manga, then headed over to get lunch at a nearby restaurant all by myself! I even made small conversation (wayyy out of my comfort zone) with some strangers I passed by! I doubt anyone will read this, but it was a big step for me and I’m hoping the next step is actually talking to people and making friends! Success day 😀

  1. You did it! Guess what? Now that you’ve done it once you can do it again and again.

    It will get easier each time. 🙂

  2. Kudos!
    I did this last night when all my friends bailed. Felt great!
    I need to do more of these.

  3. That’s awesome! Congratulations, I’m glad you did it and it made you happier. It was also a really wholesome read, so thanks for that. Take care!

  4. This is beautiful! Especially making small talk with strangers who reciprocate the same level of energy and kindness. Being an introvert I always worry about my social skills and small talks like that gives me confidence. I’m glad you did it!! Super happy for you 😀

  5. Really great! I’ve never eaten at a restaurant by myself and you’ve just inspired me to try! I went out two days in a row (last night and tonight) for the first time in literally years, and now I’m home in my comfy bed with a social battery that’s depleted for probably the next couple weeks lol

  6. I’m happy for you, kudos!! I actually took myself to a concert last night since my friend ditched me and I didn’t want to waste my ticket. It pushed me out of my comfort zone but, It really wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

  7. I took myself on a date tonight! I’m always so uncomfortable doing things on my own but it was so fun!

  8. Well done!
    Random small talk can be scary but you did it anyway! Absolutely smashed it!

    Keep taking small steps and rest when you need to, it can be exhausting pushing your limits.

  9. Situations as those happen when you’re quite occupied. I too like to go out as much as possible since work or school is quite exhausting. 😄

  10. Socialization is sometimes difficult. More for some than others. That’s okay too. Congratulations for going out and taking a stab at it. Sounds like you had an illuminating day. Congratulations, OP!

  11. That’s awesome! Sometimes you just gotta go out and have some time to yourself and enjoy it! Enjoy the Manga! What did you get?

  12. You sound like a real nice person and you know it’s a very Big World out there and you should enjoy it once in a while just use your instincts and be safe I wish you the best and I am sure one day you will find a soul mate and you won’t have to be alone …

  13. I love going out by myself. I find I’m much more open to spontaneous conversations with people when I am out on my own.

  14. I get ignored by my coworkers and take myself out all the time. I wish I had friends that would hangout with me outside of work.

  15. That’s a big first step for you – proud you’re getting outside of your comfort zone.

  16. Keep doing it. Best way is to force yourself to a commitment. Eg. join a gym so you have to get out of the house even if you dont want to. It becomes an obligation and you will feel a lot better after exercising, trust me.

  17. This made me smile! I’m so happy for you – baby steps that take you to where you want to be!

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