Hypothetically speaking, how uncouth is it to ask a woman who catches your eye if she has an available sister?

  1. Subtext: I’m attracted to you, but you have a partner so I wonder if there is someone that looks like you who is single.

    Do not do this thing.

  2. Gross.

    So you’re interested in her, but she’s taken, so you ask if there’s someone similar to her who’s single? And all you know about this woman is that she’s attractive?

    Maybe try getting to know women as individual people with personalities that may or may not be compatible with yours before trying to fuck them?

  3. How she will explain that u want to get in touch with her sister to be able to see her regularly

  4. Entirely and incredibly so. If she has a sister or friend that she thinks that you would be a compatible partner for, she is absolutely welcome to offer to introduce the two of you. I am a partnered woman who legitimately does have a sister who is single and available, but no way in hell would I ever give their contact information to or recommend that they date someone who did that.

  5. Guy asked me something like this. Then, when I said I didn’t have a sister, he asked if any of my friends were single.

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