My friend who is really close with me has came on to me and she made it clear she is in to me in more ways than one. Yes we did have plenty of fun. But was it a goo or bad idea now I feel really awkward she’s my close friend I loved every minute xx

  1. Talk to her about how you feel. We can’t tell you how it is. Only you two can sort it out. Honesty and respect is the best to continue the friendship even if the sexual relationship doesn’t continue

  2. You should figure out the things you want. Back to friends, Friends with Benefits or full on Long Term Relationship. Communicate what things you are interested in and see which of those match up with her.

  3. You need to decide what you want (possible relationship or just back to friends) and talk to her about it.
    From personal experience, i started having sex with my best friend when i was 17, he was 18, and we now have a child together and live a very happy life together 19 years later 🥰 best friends are often the best love match too

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