Hey everyone, I’ve been talking to this person for 4 months now and we text everyday and call every other week essentially.

I REALLY hate calling over Instagram and it’s a hassle since my Instagram notifications are turned off and I have to check stories or new posts to see if they called me or not.

So next time they call me or I call them, how do I ask for their number without sounding weird or obsessive? I say that because this person has a SO and I don’t want to get in between that but at the Same time I HATE calling on social media

  1. How old is everyone in this situation?

    Personally I think “Hey do you mind if we exchange numbers? Only if you’re comfortable of course, I simply don’t use Instagram often-“ or something to that effect would be reasonable.

    (I’m a goofy awkward person and certainly not a social wizard, this is just my take)

  2. hey (name), if i’m being honest I really do not like calling over Instagram because … (explain yourself). so I’ve wanted to ask if you could give me your number?
    it’s no big deal if you don’t want to, just wanted to tell you

  3. I like u/SuperKitty69’s answer. You could also give them your number instead of asking for theirs. It doesn’t matter in the end since you will have each other’s numbers anyway, but offering yours first is generally easier for the other person.

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