Hi, as the title says, my (27 F) boyfriend (30 M) peed in my bed last night. We have been together for 4 months.

After I woke him up, both shocked and wet, he went outside the room, left the linen, and went to get more water.

This confused and infuriated me; so I told him he should stop drinking more water rn.

He then yelled at me for telling him what to do and went and sat on the couch while I had to take off the sheets and doona cover.

He laughed it off in the morning, but I was and am still angry that he didn’t take responsibility and deal with his piss soaked sheets. He is now angry at me for making a big deal out of it and thinks it’s fair I dealt with the sheets. Who is in the wrong?

  1. I feel like a lot of details are missing if this guy has you convinced that it’s not highly abnormal to piss the bed, and then you let him yell at you.

    Run girl. You aren’t a partner, you’re a litter box.

  2. The 30 year old man is wrong of course

    Unless you’re missing some massive detail like there is something medically wrong with him and is unable to relieve himself without assistance or he is in fact a young child.

    Otherwise, he should be embarrassed, have cleaned it himself and acknowledge how gross this is.

  3. I mean, you could piss in HIS bed and then say, “Well?? Don’t just sit there. It’s your turn. Change the sheets, bitch.”

  4. Um, ex boyfriend, surely?

    Wets the bed, doesn’t see an issue, expects you to clean up after him?

    What’s this guy got in the “pro” column that can seriously outweigh that?

  5. You know that it’s not okay for an adult (able-bodied/able-minded) human to piss all over your bed with zero remorse or shame, right? RIGHT?!?!?!

  6. I’m 37 and I can’t remember ever pissing the bed even when I was a little kid. He should go get checked out.

  7. LOL … so sorry that I misread what you wrote . Sleepover or not , doesn’t matter . He just told you loud and clear , as well as showed you who he is .

  8. Ummm?????? It’s highly ABNORMAL to piss the bed and have someone else clean it up??? What

  9. Your boyfriend is obviously in the wrong. He pisses the bed… as an adult… and makes YOU clean it?
    I’d die of embarrassment if it happened and demand that I clean it up if it had been me. He is gross.

  10. Was he drunk? Why is he treating this so casually? I’m not saying he should be ashamed at all, piss happens, but like… what a weird reaction.

    Would it be safe to say this is not the only occurrence of him laughing off something important and ignoring your concerns?

  11. WHAT??? The appropriate response to this should be shame and/or profuse apologies wtf. Throw that whole man out i would not stand for some idiot who pisses himself like a toddler and then thinks *I* should be cleaning his mess. What an utter asshat

  12. Is this a golden shower thing or an incontinence thing? If its the latter he needs to see a urologist.

  13. He is in the wrong. Why didn’t he clean up his own mess? I have heard of some people with a bed wetting problem set an alarm during the middle of their planned sleep time so they can avoid peeing the bed.

    This relationship is only 4 months old. I would end it, not because he had an accident, but because he thinks you should clean up his mess.

  14. What the fuck is with people…. This is like the 4th pissing the bed post I’ve seen lately.

    Break up with him now.
    If he has a medical problem that caused it, then he should have cleaned it up himself, and been suitably upset with himself to apologise to you.
    He didn’t.
    He didn’t apologise
    He didn’t clean up
    And he got angry at you, for personally a very mild reaction what he did.

    He has no respect for you, or your possessions.

  15. Honey, throw the whole man out…
    He’s trash 🗑️ and not housebroken.

    The breathtaking audacity of him to think you should strip the bed, clean it & put clean sheets on?!
    Out… out… out!

  16. Some people have not learned how to handle embarrassing situations past just being angry/laughing like when they were a child. So, in this way (and probably others) he’s a man child. Do you want to be with someone who doesn’t know how to handle embarrassment? It shows lack of emotional intelligence. You can break up with him at any time, it’s okay.

  17. This guy is no catch, throw him back. The accidental peeing was bad but something that could be gotten over if he had apologized and cleaned up his own mess. He’s not a toddler and you’re not his mom to clean up his messes. Him yelling at you should have ended things immediately as well.

  18. You’ve been together for 4 months and don’t know if you overreacted to him pissing in your bed?

    Leave this man. Tell him to see a doctor about possible prostate problems and leave him. No amount of “good person” can make up for pissing in someone’s bed after knowing them for less than half a year and expecting them to clean it for you.

    I wouldn’t even do this to my wife. That’s some silence of the lambs bullshit.

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