My (24F) boyfriend (30M) and I met in October 2022, both of us a few months out of relationships.

My BF still had contact with his ex when we met because she still wanted to be with him. She was really abusive toward him emotionally and physically, and was being manipulative after they broke up. Saying things like “fine, don’t ever talk to me again then I guess you never loved me,” things like that. For the most part, he was good about ignoring her and I wasn’t worried that he wanted to be with her, and he did show me messages of him telling her they were completely done and he wanted no contact.

she never respected his boundaries and continued to reach out randomly. It’s gotten less and less, and he just ignores it. But in the beginning, he was texting her and they did have a few phone calls because she was harassing him.

She occasionally sends him weird religious stuff, and then other than that just randomly texts occasionally. She randomly texted him last week after we went to a concert, asking if he was there. This bothered me because we have other issues going on, and it felt like the cherry on top. She doesn’t know he’s seeing somebody else either, which I get that he doesn’t have to tell her, but I feel like it’s unfair to me that she’s always just lurking.

I don’t have social media, but he told me before that he unfollowed her. I found out now that he still does after doing some investigating after her contacting him out of the blue. If she was a normal healthy person, this wouldn’t bother me.

How do I approach this with him? My issue is the dishonesty, and that it’s not appropriate given how unhealthily she treated him that she likely still wants to be with him. I’ve asked him how he would feel about telling her he’s moved on and it’s not appropriate, and he’s worried about her freaking out finding out he’s with someone else. I’m questioning everything.

TDLR: My BF still follows his ex on social media, after telling me he doesn’t, who doesn’t know he’s seeing someone else. She still likely wants to be with him, was abusive, and hasn’t respected his boundaries to leave him alone. She still occasionally texts him and sends him stuff.

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