So I had a very good friend who started to ignore me for no reason and not talk anymore, I tried to talking to him but he didn’t speak much, avoided eye contact as well. He had a gf who I was also friends with but I wasn’t a close friend but whenever I would speak to her or text her every now and then, she was nice to me but she also stopped speaking to me, ignore me. I stopped speaking to either of them because I felt they didn’t like me.

I tried to reach out to my friend through text asked him how he was doing but he didn’t reply so months later I texted his gf. I said “Hey, it’s been awhile since we last spoke. How have you been”? I didn’t think she will reply but then she wrote ” Been good, how are you”?

Then responded with this “Been fine thanks for asking, you know its been so long I thought you didn’t like me, didn’t wish to speak to me”. She never replied to this and her behaviour in class hasn’t changed either.

So did I mess up? I am starting to think that I did, I think I wrote something wrong and feel terrible that I ruined my friendship with a friend.

1 comment
  1. You did not ruin the relationship. The relationship *was* ruined, but not by what you wrote. Something happened long before, when they distanced themselves from you, and we have no way of knowing why that was.

    That having been said, that was not the best opener to use if you wanted to re-establish contact. It came out of the gate pretty aggressive and negative, you know?

    A better response would have been something like, “It’s been so long! I missed chatting with you both.” or something like that.

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