TL;DR -> I have no clue and worried if I should risk high school dating with a guy.

Recently about a month ago, there was a guy at school that caught my eye. He was a year older than me, and I approached him to ask if I could get to know him better. I managed to get his number. Nothing happened, and he straight up rejected me when I didn’t mention anything. I was in denial for a bit because that came out of nowhere, and eventually I got over it. If it doesn’t work out, then it doesn’t. I moved on in a couple of days. You should never let a boy make you cry lol.

As of now, there’s a guy that I’m curious about. He’s in the same grade as me and shares one class with me in the morning. I haven’t paid much attention to him during the start of school, but out of nowhere, he caught my attention. We got food together before with a couple of friends as well. The setback is that he’s on the badminton team with me. As badminton is a co-ed sport, our coaches don’t allow us to date. However, there’s an amount of people that dated on the team before, and its still going strong for them.

Now, there’s an event at school happening soon, and I was planning to ask him if he wanted to hang out with me. I’m a really straightforward person, so I don’t know if I should risk it.

My current worries is that I’m afraid that I won’t have time to date if we were to get together. I’m a person who has a lot of goals that I want to accomplish in life. If I were to date, I can make time for it, but it’s just very limited. A part of me tells me to have fun and experience the high school life, while another part tells me to study and work harder. I don’t know what to do at this point.

  1. Here’s what you said:

    – you’re a confident woman
    – you showed interest in a guy, and later you got rejected.
    – you lost your confidence
    – there’s a new guy you want to show interest in, but you lost your confidence so you feel you can’t.
    – you make up nonsense reasons why you shouldn’t pursue love. And later you make up nonsense reasons why it would harm your future.

    Here’s reality. Find your love. It might be this new guy. Ask him. You can, because you’re confident and have done it before.

    I suggest you ask him to the event as a date rather than just hanging out. Since that’s your goal. And also, yes please remember to continue studying and working hard in case this guy isn’t your happily ever after.

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