I’ve liked this girl since high school, but I’m not sure if I should tell her. but I’m afraid, she might not like me. Should I ask her out?

1 comment
  1. Yes, you should ask her out. You might regret if you don’t.

    There are a few things you want to keep in mind before asking someone out:
    **Be specific**. Vagueness makes people nervous. For example, ask what they’re doing this weekend. Then say, “Would you like to go with me to dinner at Angelo’s on Friday? After dinner, we could catch that concert in the park.” This makes it clear you’re asking them on a date and not a platonic hangout.
    **Stay safe**. When in doubt, pick a safe activity that’s low commitment for the both of you: coffee, lunch, or dinner. Avoid movies as they prevent you from getting to know each other.
    **Be flexible**. They may say no … only because they’re busy that weekend or they hate Italian food. They may make a new suggestion, which is great news for you because compromise means they want to make this work.
    **Be cool and casual**. You’re not a salesperson, and you’re not closing a deal. If the person says yes, smile and say great. Never be pushy or make them uncomfortable.

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