Hi! I know this topic has been covered a couple of times here but it’s been a while so I was wondering if there are some new discoveries on the transmission of Lyme. I have been reading about it and I know that cdc says it’s not an std but other research says it might be. If a person with the disease is taking antibiotics and we’re using protection, how likely is it for me to get it? Has anyone here gotten it from having protected sex?

  1. You can’t get Lyme from sex. It’s transmitted by a tick bite, specifically the deer tick.

  2. Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria, borrelia bacteria.

    If your partner has Lyme disease, it is theoretically possible. I know of no confirmed cases in humans.

    There is a test. Get one. If you’re positive, get treated and then alert your public health department you suspect your partner transmitted theirs to you.

    It is extremely unlikely, especially using protection.

  3. Why on earth do you think that randos on the internet will have more reliable information on this topic than the CDC?

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