My (29m) girlfriend (27) never had an orgasm in her life. Never alone or with someone. She told me that even though she tried, she could never reach one and thinks it must not be possible with her body. She also doesn’t like too much clitoris stimulation. At first she didn’t like me going down on her, although now she enjoys it alot. I tried to continue going down on her when she was too excited and asked me to go in her, and also use my fingers but no orgasm. She likes sex very much so it is not really a problem for our sex life but I am curious if such a thing exists ?

  1. I suspect it is not a physical thing, more of a mental block. Indeed the Come as you are book is a good start but if there is any deep trauma, therapy would be even better.

  2. Try a vibrator or keep trying to push her over the edge. If she is enjoying it, just make sure she has fun.

  3. I closely know and have been with a female like this. It’s usually mental/emotional blocks and/or physical issues.
    All you can do is be gentle and have her trust you, otherwise the rest is up to her to resolve whatever challenges she’s facing.

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