To be honest, our sex routine has gotten very stale. I feel like I am just laying there while he gets himself off. It’s very routine like and I can’t get myself ready. I wish there was foreplay, even if it’s a minute, but when he’s horny to have sex, I feel like he kinda expects me to immediately be ready. I have no signs of arousal, but I try my best. Tbh it does make me feel a little down, especially bc I don’t know how to tell him that I need to be prepared without him getting upset.

Once we are in the bedroom, he turns the lights completely off and most times I wonder if he’s just imagining other women. I personally like it a little dim w a desk lamp cuz it gets me in the mood to see him looking at me, but I don’t really think he’s comfortable? It makes me feel less desired and I can’t get into sex when I feel this way. I suppose shame is the best word to describe how I feel about myself, but perhaps it’s just that he has confidence issues when the light is on.

He doesn’t like having sex when I’m on my period. I just offer to blow him or whatnot but I do feel neglected and undesirable during this time. Kinda understandable bc it does get messy. But I am the horniest during this time so I just have to get myself off.

I love him and I do believe that he loves me, but I can’t help but notice that a lot of the attraction we initially had has diminished after 4 years. I don’t have intentions on cheating on him. While we both have sexual trauma, I really want to enjoy sex. I hope we are able to work things out. I want to tell him but I fear he will get upset or hurt.

  1. Your needs matter, you need to tell him! So men are ignorant when it comes to pleasuring a woman. But be direct with him, or he may not take it seriously.

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