I understand this isn’t uncommon, but I am experiencing pain during sex. Well, I always have to varying degrees. It ranges from mild uncomfortableness to a burning sensation. Im in my early twenties and just want to know what can be done. Ive mentioned it to a GP before 3 years back but they just said use lube and make sure you are fully ready and asked if I had a history or sexual trauma-which I don’t at all.

With my current bf its easily the best its been. Ive certainly had the best sex with him out of 5 previous partners, even if sex is still often painful. Its strange because sometimes it feels really good, and other it really hurts. He’s so patient and frankly by far the best in bed of any partner Ive had, so I don’t think its on his end. Its probably worth mentioning that I have never been able to cum from PIV sex, it can feel really nice but it doesn’t get me close.

Theres little pattern to when sex is painful either seemingly. Im always pretty relaxed, we spend a good amount of time making sure Im ready-definitely don’t need more lube! He’s very good with his hands and mouth luckily! Although in the past with partners where I wasn’t nearly as ready/ wet, it has hurt more for sure.

I have noticed that its often better the first tile we have sex if we haven’t in a while and hurts more after that. But that isn’t always the case either.

My bf is relatively big. About 7 inches and average girth. Yet I don’t think thats it. We’ve tried having shallow sex and that sometimes hurts too. Plus Ive been with much smaller guys and that hurt too.

I have had thrush at times and I know that can contribute to painful sex but using cream and taking tablets doesn’t resolve the pain issue either.

I also understand it can be a muscular issue. This could be the case, but as Ive said Im usually very relaxed before we have sex and its not like my bf has any difficulties getting his dick inside me. He says I’m tight but not unusually so.

Im just wondering if anyone here has any advice, has experienced a similar issue, or knows why I might be experiencing this. I always used to think it was just guys not doing enough to turn me on, but now Im with someone who definitely knows what theyre doing and its still there! So Im hoping I might be able to improve this somehow.


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