Hello I was offered a PRN position at a hospital and I was really grateful and excited because I really wanted this job. However at my current job, they recently offered me a full time position plus a raise so I dont think i’ll have time to work the hospital + its a long drive for home. Anyway, I already accepted the offer last week and did a drug screening and I needed to call HR asap to schedule a health exam but I haven’t. The hospital manager texted me yesterday asking to please call HR to schedule, and today one of the workers there , who used to be an old colleague, texted asking me if I still am interested in the position. I haven’t replied back because I just dont know what to say, and I’m so embarrassed . How do I politely decline the position ? What do I say? Do I call, text, or email ? And if so who? The manager ? or HR? I’m a nervous wreck right now I feel so dumb.

  1. Email the manager, CC HR. Thank them, state your decision. Apologize for inconvenience. Wish them a good day and sign your name you

    Edit; you don’t have to explain yourself and the email should be like 6-8 sentences maximum

  2. It’s a good problem to have: more jobs than you need! Don’t feel bad; this happens for employers all the time. As the other reply stated just let them know your decision—*you do not need to explain it*—and thank them for the opportunity. You might even be an easy future hire if things go that way since they’ve already vetted you.

  3. Stop take a step back and look real hard and long at the situation. There was a reason you accepted the job to begin with. Why is the old company now giving you this offer. Do they have a history of thanklessness? Take the new job. Don’t accept comfort over the opportunity to move on, grow and possibly be appreciated.

  4. Yes, its unprofessional to retract accepting a job. But you gotta do what you gotta do

    Two years ago, I was suddenly fired for no reason aside from a vague “performance issue”. I know nobody at that company felt even the slightest remorse.

    So don’t feel like you owe this employer anything. If you worked there and they have to fire you, they wouldn’t come onto Reddit to ask if it’s OK. They’d just do it and nobody would give a shit.

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