Getting a Mirena inserted tomorrow under sedation (yay academic medical centers). I’ve never had a baby (actually still a Virgin).

Anybody have any experiences they’d be willing to share (under sedation preferably,) weight gain, mood changes, etc? How has it impacted you and your sex life? How long did it take you to recover?

  1. I have the Liletta so can’t tell you about the Mirena but I can tell you about the experience of placement. My first IUD was extremely traumatic. It was so incredibly painful and my pain was not validated by the doctor. The 2nd time I had it under sedation and it was so easy and smooth it was actually healing. Before this I was on the patch and it caused the worst imaginable anxiety. As soon as I switched to an IUD, it was like I could feel a switch flip in my brain. Yes, it’s still hormonal, but it’s hormonal output is so localized that only about .02 of it makes it into the bloodstream. Thus, I don’t experience any mood issues with it at all. My specific iud has caused my periods to stop which was the goal.

    I don’t have much experience with sex before the IUD, but I do know my sex life now could not be better. No fears about pregnancy, my mood is stable, don’t have to worry about periods getting in the way. This is the dream.

    You’re gonna be great. You might experience some cramping after. Heating pad and ibuprofen will get you through the worst of it. Since you’re having it sedated, I wouldn’t worry about it. You’re gonna take a medicated nap and wake up with a new device in your uterus.

  2. My IUD insertion was really traumatic (I was not under sedation though, they gave me nothing) and my experience was mixed. It completely stopped my period immediately which was amazing, my weight was very stable on it, and I didn’t feel too much different mentally or sexually. However, I had constant contraction type pain from the IUD so I had it removed after six months. I have a tilted uterus so it was speculated that’s why my body was trying to eject it.

    The first day of insertion there’s a lot of cramping. By day two I was totally fine.

    For me, getting it removed was easy peasy.

    Had I not had the contraction side effect, I would have loved to be on Mirena.

  3. My IUD Insertion was nothing like others said. Both times, I’ve had it done twice. I expected it to be horrible. It wasn’t. Felt like a bad cramp, and for the rest of that day mild discomfort. The first few months I had weird discharge, but no smell, follow up appointment said that was normal. Now with sex, sometimes my husband hits it when we’re having sex, kinda ruins the moment, but I’d rather have a few moments ruined than to get pregnant.

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