I’m a 19 year old male with only three things in my life, brazalian jiu jitsu, playing my flute and coding, nothing else, no social life.

But as a heterosexual teenager, I feel a lot of attraction towards women, but I’m exceptionally shy, so ultimately it’s just hectic for me, I hate it. So distracting.

I wish I was asexual or impotent, I know my approach to my sexuality is extremely unhealthy, but I just wanna lower my attraction towards women. I’m so tired. Any suggestions to dampen my sexuality?

  1. Why not try and branch out to have other hobbies or interests? You may feel like you want to be closed off now, but that could change in the future. And then you’ll be worse off because you will have prevented yourself from getting experience talking to people, meeting people, etc

  2. Don’t do this. This doesn’t help you. You are letting yourself be defeated by your own wants and desires rather than owning them and doing something about them.

    You train BJJ as I have myself. You get it. Physical combat is war and way scarier than anything else when you got a kimura locked on your arm with your shoulder about to be torn to pieces. It can also be extremely empowering like a situation where you got a rear naked sunk in and could practically take their life if you wanted to but choose to respect the tap.

    Walk up to a woman and realize mentally “why am I scared of this 120 lb piece of meat?”. They wouldn’t stand a chance. So why the fuck are you afraid of them? It’s a fucked up mentality but it allows you to not be fucking afraid of anything and to just talk to them and assert yourself in this world that fucking has almost no dudes with a pair of balls.

    Own that shit. Best of luck, dude. I used to be in a spot similar to you so I know what I’m talking about.

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