I don’t really have friends since I have bad social anxiety and don’t talk to anyone. Recently tho in my P.E class atleast a nice group of people keep including me.

That being said my P.E class is 1 week drivers Ed then P.E (we alternate) and when we’re not in P.E I end up having no one talking to me. My teachers nice and talks with everyone; she was asking me about what I do and what not. She then asked me who my group of friends in the school were and I straight up told her I have none; she then asked if I’m just not that into people and I said I was indifferent; she then reiterated that I’m not that into people.

This isn’t true I’m just really nervous; even then I’d say I’m more introverted but, I don’t like spending every second of my day alone. Stuff like this happens a lot and I’m not sure why. When I was in elementary/middle school people said the same things about me (I had friends then I’m in HS in a completely different area where I know no one tho).

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I do like talking to people; I do want friends I’m not sure what I’m doing that makes me so unapproachable tho; example in other classes with quiet kids people will eventually make the first move and talk to someone yet no one does that to me; with the exception of P.E and I’m just not sure why.

I don’t think I look off or anything; I don’t think anyone’s would be off put by my presence yet no one seems to talk to me. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong any advice on what to do? Not sure what I’m looking for advice on but I genuinely don’t understand why no one talks to me

(on the rare occasions I have talked to people no one’s disliked me or anything so it’s not like I’m a massive dick no one likes so I’m not sure what it could be)

  1. relax your face, dont stare at your feet or at your phone, try to make eye contact and smile casually

  2. Sounds like it could be a case of RBF. Maybe smiling a bit when someone looks at you would help.

    Seriously though, you could try being the one to initiate conversation. After a few interactions and they know you a bit better, people are usually more relaxed about starting conversations with you. It can cause a snowball effect too. Once some people are more comfortable with you, then you naturally get invited into more conversations. It is all about getting people familiar with you.

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