Does everyone have those phases when you hate everyone even your closest friends and get irritated by their smallest mistakes
I’m a people pleaser and I really hate to keep acting like everything is okay and I can’t confront them

  1. I don’t think that everyone has this problem… And the moment you hate everyone is most likely the moment you are just angry about yourself. Even if you don’t know it. So ask yourself, why are you angry like that in this moment?

  2. Honestly, this is probably something you should talk to a counselor or therapist about. I don’t know much about you, but it could be related to some mental health issue. Depression, anxiety, and other issues can cause these sort of feelings.

  3. Yeah there’s a deeper issue here somewhere. You’re angry at something but can’t figure out what it is, so you lash out at your friends because they are your safe zone and you don’t know what else to do.

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