Basically I’m starting to go nuts believing alot of people don’t like me in my med school. I recently failed out of the problem due to a huge load of material. I don’t want to go into more detail than that but I’m coming back next year with a completely new class. Throughout my class I struggle to connect with others and i never felt apart.

Now that I’m out of the program, I feel this more so than ever. No one reaches out to see how I’m doing and when I come around to events. People do not try to make me feel welcome. Most times they keep to themselves. It’s almost like I’m in a different universe entirely than we I was part of the program. My roommate doesn’t even talk to me anymore. Now when I talk to him he just nods his head and doesn’t give any detail.

Based on what I’m explaining do you guys feel like, they are avoiding me. If so, are there things I can do to try to connect.

  1. I don’t think they are actively avoiding you? But I also feel like I don’t have enough background to make a strong guess. When people keep to themselves it can come off as really cold and unwelcoming. But I feel like it’s more like they’re just minding their own business without much thought about anything or anyone else except for the people they are in close contact with.

    I don’t know about your former roommate tho. We’re you guys really close before?

  2. I think if I were in your position I wouldn’t really. But if the resources were really a dealbreaker I would try harder as it is your future too

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