I have just met a really cute barista. We talked and I thought she liked me and I asked her social media and she added me as well. Next day I sent her message to invite to a board game that I will play with my friends. She responded that she ended her long relationship 2 days ago and it is too much for the moment but she said you look lovely guy and we can have a drink in few months. Do you think she was just being nice to me or she really needs time after breaking up and might write to me couple weeks later. Any thoughts?

  1. In a few months you probably won’t even be talking to her anymore, I’d say leave her your number and tell her get back to you when she is ready. Leave it alone and focus your energy where it will be reciprocated

  2. > she really needs time after breaking up

    Conventionally, allow one month for every year.

    So 3 years, means 3 months (less 2 days), or 3 months remaining.

  3. I’m guessing you don’t want casual🤔

    Add her as a friend, but keep looking, if you don’t find anything ask her out in a few months.

    If it works out you have a girlfriend if not you have a new friend. Just be ready to kill any feelings of attraction if she days now.

    As for liking you as a potential Romantic partner, I don’t know, probably a friend at this point.

  4. Hit her up in 2 weeks. Be patient and outcome independent. She just doesn’t know if she and her ex will be getting back together. But after 3 weeks, if she’s still single, she’ll be open to moving on.

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