I recently just ended a situationship with a guy who said he isn’t ready for a relationship (I believe him). A popular statement on TikTok is whenever someone says “I’m not ready for a relationship” what they really means is with you. And if your the right person they will make try their hardest to make it work.

So my question is have you ever told someone you aren’t ready for a relationship and did you mean it?

  1. several years ago I went through a phase of being single by choice because I felt I wasn’t ready to date; I had just come off of what turned out to be an awful relationship, and the couple of years prior had been largely defined by really bad, harmful, toxic dates and pairings and pursuits, and I found myself frustrated, confused, disillusioned, and feeling generally fucked up and in no way ready to start anything new before I figured my own shit out. it had nothing to do with anyone else that I met– and there were people I did have romantic or sexual interest in that I actively chose not to pursue or turned down due to it– it was simply that I needed some dry dock time

  2. I have not. But this did happen to me with the person I’m seeing now. It was for a legit reason. I didn’t expect to ever hear from him again because in my mind that same sentiment you mentioned creeped in.

    However, he did exactly what he said he was going to do, deal with his legal situation and work on himself to get himself back to the headspace of being able to be the person I said I was looking for. I am glad he took that time for himself too.

  3. It could be true when they say it. I was in that spot not too long ago. That said, I’ve never been approached by anyone for me to give that response. If I would have been approached, I most likely would have declined.

    This still holds true for me somewhat but for different reasons. If I was approached today by the right woman, I would definitely do everything I could to make it work.

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