I meant make not take…
(M18) and I have been going to the gym for around 3 and a half years now, I am very sociable person and would always meet new friends at school/college/work however I have never made a true friend in the gym, it’s not that I don’t want to but I always feel the gym is a place for me to focus on myself, in college i would workout with friends and never really pushed myself to the level that I usually do, I find I work better on my own however the other day a guy my age who I’d never met before asked to tap in with me and I found it to be the most awkward experience I’ve ever had in the gym.

  1. Like you most people are at the gym to get things done and focus on their workout. So most people would find it awkward too. Though, there’s always a group or two of people who know each and like to socialize.

  2. I made some of my best friends in the gym. Some people like to talk, some don’t. If you dont want to, then don’t

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