(M17) So I’ve been talking to this girl (F16) and I really like her. She literally said she likes me too. So I asked her if she wanted to go to the movies on Saturday and she said sure. She asked her dad and he said no. He said he doesn’t trust her driving around with someone he doesn’t know. Now I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or how I’m supposed to hangout with this girl. Can someone help me please?

1 comment
  1. I’m a parent of at 17(M) who’s dating so I can see where her father is coming from. I would suggest you try to meet the father and also see if maybe she could be dropped off/picked up from the movie.

    I will also caution you that I have told my kids that they can always use me as an “excuse” to get out of doing something social they are not comfortable with – like, “no sorry, my mom is being annoying and said I can’t go”, I’m not suggesting she’s doing this however, after you suggest she be dropped off at the movies and you meet the father if there’s pushback, that MIGHT be the reason. Or her father just isn’t ready to accept that she wants to date. I think it’s also up to her to ask her father if there’s any situation that would make him comfortable.

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