Sorry for the terrible phrasing in the title. I was curious about how different vaginas feel to guys while they’re inside. Can guys tell any difference in the way it feels? Like would they be able to recognize their partner’s vs that of a girl they haven’t had sex with?

  1. Yes, just like blindly touching someone with your hand. Some things are very similar but not everything is exactly the same. Also if you have been with a partner for soem time you feel their reactions to your movement, their movement on you.

  2. Very much so, this one girl I dated a while back could work her vagina like a muscle. She could tighten it up as she rode me. She would loosen up on the down stroke and tightened it when going up. She could pretty control it to make me come when she wanted me too. She was really good at it but terrible at other aspects of a relationship.

  3. Sure, much the way a woman can tell different guys inside of her. It’s not always going to to be obvious, but women can vary by tightness, by wetness. Some vaginas are very smooth inside, others have very prominent rings of muscle, feel ridgy inside. Some vaginas stay totally relaxed all through sex, others will clench some, other will literally milk you.

  4. Yes. They’re all somewhat different, some much more so. Everything from extremely soft to tight.

  5. Yes. All the girls I have been with feels different. I can’t explain it but I would say some were tighter than others. Even though my current girlfriend has the smallest vagina and I can sometimes reach her cervix while the others one I never could. Btw I own a small penis so yes that’s a difference

  6. Yes. I believed that loose vaginas are bad joke and that they all feel the same until I had sex with someone else than my first parter. The second woman was definitely much tighter and it changed the whole dynamics of sex.
    While with the less tight vagina I had less sensation but much more stamina and I didnt had to control my movement as much. With tighter vaginas I definitely felt more but this naturally did decrease stamina and for me positions didnt work that worked before and vice versa.

  7. Well, yeah. Other than the shape & lubrication which is always different, my current girlfriend has a really acidic ph (or acidic *feeling* anyway, I haven’t actually busted out the litmus strips) and my dick kinda burns if I don’t shower immediately after we bang. __no it’s not an std__, I checked, I just have very sensitive skin. My ex gf was not anywhere near as harsh so I had no problems.

  8. Oh yeah. Some are tighter than others. Some are more shallow. I’ve been with girls where I couldn’t sleep with them because their vaginas were too small it and it hurt both of us. I imagine just like for a women, you can probably tell the difference between dicks when they’re inside you 🤷‍♂️

  9. Yep. I once had 2 fwb’s at the same time with very different levels of tightness. I struggled to cum with one, and struggled *not to* cum with the other. I have some women I’ve seen in the past who I remember specifically because of how good their vaginas felt.

  10. Generally, no. If the differences are significant, like one is dry and another is very wet, then yeah. Or if one has really good muscle control, that can make it stand out. But blindfolded in a general lineup of equally wet random girls that aren’t doing kegals on my dick? Probably not.

  11. Well yes and no. All vaginas are different the way all peniss are different – the difference can be subtle or obvious depending on how much you pay attention to your partner

  12. One thing not mentioned is that the vagina has many internal folds that caress your penis subtly during sex and not indecently allow the vagina to stretch for child birth. These folds do dissipate to a degree post birth so the vagina of a woman who has had a vaginal delivery tends to feel smother than before. Some guys prefer this some don’t. It tend to happen less in the anterior wall which is why some guys like posterior entry positions after childbirth because they gain this extra sensation.

    I definitely feel differently with each woman which is one of the wonderful uniqueness of every woman to explore and appreciate.

  13. No. One might be puffier and touch my dick differently but if you were to line up 5 different vaginas and I stuck it in each one, I’d just be like “ooh they’re warm and wet”

  14. Absolutely yes… I’ve never experienced one I didn’t really like but subtle differences… and there was a girl I dated in my mid 20s that did have the best vagina ever… It was just wonderful in every way, going down on her was phenomenal and sex was mind blowing… but, it was so crazy ecstasy that I’d last for 30 seconds… Every time just bang I’m done already… luckily, I love oral and am good with fingers so she was happy, but damn…

    I would have married that vagina, but the girl was kind of snooty and mean to other people so we parted ways. But that was one nice vagina…

  15. Absolutely. Now dating a 74 yo who is the tightest, wettest I’ve been with and I was a swinger for over 30 years

  16. Smells are different. The amount of wetness is different. The amount of pubic hair is different. So a person with more sexual experience should be able to tell the difference. Somebody who is new at the game maybe not so.

  17. I think people forget that *just like dicks* vaginas also come in different shapes and sizes. Some are wider, some are narrower, some are more shallow, some are deeper.

  18. Some girls feel different.
    Mainly though, it’s the size of the opening, more than the vagina, and temperature and wetness definitely vary.
    Most girls are warm, but some girls are infernal. Usually the hotter they feel, the wetter they feel.
    Tightness adjusts though. Always tighter at the start before the muscles relax more.
    Unless you’re actively trying to clench, every vagina gradually loosens up a few strokes in.
    And that’s not a bad thing, A vice grip is either going to be painful, or it’ll do too good a job and end the sex pretty quick. If you’re not ryong to get yours too, than clench away. But don’t get angry afterwards.

    It’s probably been said a million times, but Guys don’t need all of these things to be on your mind during sex. I always say to my partners, just do whatever you need to do to get off, I’m gonna get there too.
    We have different parts, While yours takes work and thought, using mine like an object is EXACTLY what will work for both of us.

    In my experience though, the girls who worry about the act instead of just being in the moment, always kill the vibe. We can see you’re not in the right headspace and it puts us off. Guys who say they didn’t notice are liars and predators.
    Sex is simple:
    1. Only do it if you actually want to
    2. Be enthusiastic
    3. Actually participate, don’t just lay there, expecting the guy to do everything.
    If you give no feedback, expect a product which does not fully suit your needs.
    It’s wild the number of girls who say “don’t treat me like a sex object. Yet will lay motionless during sex, making pornstar noises. For God’s sake, get involved!!
    If your aim is to get yourself off, and you use our bodies to make that happen, almost all het men ever will do just fine being satisfied.

  19. Very much so.

    Why are you apologising for your title? Perfectly valid question, validly phrased.

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