how will you feel if a beautiful girl kissed you without your consent? (assume you are single and have someone else you like and the girl who kissed you knows this)

  1. That’s sexual assualt. Her being “Beautiful” and me being “Single” has no relevance in this case. Don’t touch men without their **Consent**.

  2. Bold of you to assume my reflexes were slow enough to prevent this assault from taking place…

  3. I had it happen multiple times. Personally i dont care. But i could see how it could be a problem if you’re married or something. Im single so idgaf

  4. Really depends on the intent here, but it is concerning if this came really out of nowhere.

    This is no different for me if she’s “conventionally beautiful” or not. I might have different reactions if I personally like the girl or not (especially since I could have been transparent about it without noticing).

    I don’t feel attacked, especially if we are alone when this happens and there’s no social pressure, but I would question the action in a way or another.

  5. The fact that she knows that I’m interested in someone else definitely makes things take a turn and adds a necessary amount of questioning of her motives.

    Did she just do that to sabotage me? would be the most obvious and immediate.

  6. That’s how i lost my “kissing virginity”… I didn’t really like it, because she was a slut

  7. Out of the blue? That’s creepy.

    If it’s someone I’ve initiated physical contact with(from hugging to dancing) then it would be fine, but I’d probably brain overload

  8. Needs a bit more context here. Like is it a complete stranger who just sneaked up on me and laid one on me? Is it someone I know? Were they legitimately wanting to kiss me because they like me or was it some kind of dare thing?

    So many questions. But most likely I’m just going to be shocked.

  9. If I didn’t fight back that’s consent. Although I probably would turn away reflexively, but that’s just because I’m shy. If she then insisted and grabbed me by force anyway, I would fall in love.

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