So I was hanging out with my friends at school and I have this upcoming birthday party I invited my friends that have been consistently going to my parties since 7th grade. A guy that I’ve been friends with but not exactly as close as I am with the rest of my circle joined the circle a while ago. I did not invite him to my party because I have to pay for my friend’s food and I can’t really afford much more. Also, I’m not really close to him as I am to my other friends.

He eventually figured out that I didn’t tell him about it so he confronted me about it and I felt like shit for not telling him. He says “Wow, not inviting me?”, which kind of pissed me off, and did not want to invite him at all anymore. Of course, me being nice, I said he could come and when and where it would be happening and he just gave me a nod. Don’t know if I should tell him the truth now or not tell him anything at all.

  1. This could have been avoided if you just spoke to him. Been like ay man I’ve got this thing going on at mine but due to limited funds I can only afford to invite my day 1s. This is not a diss on you at all, I appreciate you.

  2. Yeah I can understand why you made the decision you did, but now that the dude knows, if you say simply “I would have invited you but it costs me per person so I couldn’t invite everyone I wanted” it’ll probably smooth things over long term.

  3. Explain how you explained it to us.

    But assuming this guy’s actually your friend, what you could do is have everyone else split what’s outstanding. Say if you only have $100 and the bill comes to $120, everyone else splits the $20 between them. That way you’ve covered most of it and this guy and anyone else who might want to come doesn’t get left out.

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