I also feel as if shirtless men should be banned because your basically desexualizing the male body while women have to cover up thier boobs cause “boobs are sexy”. I really dont like seeing shirtless men even when I watch MMA, I dont like how normalized it is because women will no longer be aroused by shirtless men. Shirtless men are so normalized that a man will only stand out if he has an insane physique and even then boobs and womens bodies are seen as more sexy by society. So if a man wants to be seen as sexy and appealing then he is probaly better off becoming a woman and going lesbian

Even when it comes to porn Im concerned that many women watch lesbian porn and I think we need more men in porn who are attractive so that women watch less lesbian porn, We also need womens magazines to have more men in them like how mens magazines have women in them. Women who identify as straight shouldnt be watching lesbian porn and should be looking at us men, They should be aroused by our bodies.

Even when it comes to clothes women have all types to wear while us men have nothing really, even when you ask a woman she never comes up with sexy clothes which she would like to see men in.

As for gay men they are only gay cause they aint attracted to women, they settle for men because we cant have a society where every man is straight otherwise its going to add more competition. Gay/bi men are only into dick but not men

  1. sounds like to me, you just simply dont like men, which is fine, up to you. “desexualizing” them sound like the worst thing ever. everyone should and could express their looks just as they want to.

  2. Uh….no, I don’t like sharia law. I like equality.

    Let women be topless wherever a man can be topless. Let’s be more like France and normalize nipples, and armpit hair, or whatever is equal.

    Let’s normalize the human body instead of sexualizing things that aren’t sexual, like breast feeding, swimming naked, sunbathing naked, etc.

    Maybe sex should be less rooted in visual opportunism, and the cis-hetero-normative, and instead more of a MUTUAL attraction….since, if you think about it, that’s what it should actually become once you mature past your teenage years.

  3. Why exactly do women need to find you more attractive? I don’t know about you, but I was never once offered a contract to sign with guarantees from the universe. 🤷

    And how do you know gay men are not attracted to the rest of other men’s bodies, only their penises? Do you identify as gay?

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