I’ve known this girl for a long time and we sorta had a thing last summer and went on a few dates. We stopped talking because I had a faith crisis with our religion and it made it hard for us to talk. But recently she started to question our church too and now we started talking again. We never hated each other, just were going on different paths in life. So anyway, she lead me on hard for a few days and made it obvious that she liked me. So on Valentine’s Day she ended up hinting that she would love to get a love letter from me(the whole situation was weird, cuz I wasn’t sure if I should get her something and kinda panicked). So I wrote a cheesy letter and said how I felt in it cuz it’s pretty much what she asked for. And at first she said she loved it but didn’t actually say if she had the same feelings and said “I’ll make you wait until I write one back 🥰”. So I waited a few days and she never wrote it. I ended up reading some texts she sent to a group chat saying that she wasn’t sure what she wanted and pretty much said she’s sorta afraid of commitment. I assume it’s because of the way we were raised cuz we were never allowed to be exclusive until we turned basically 20. She said to me recently that she just needs time to figure out her feelings but she “thinks she likes me”. But now for days she’s just been distant,albeit busy, but still extra distant. She recently hinted towards a date (pretty much said she wanted to go on a “real date” soon)but I tried bringing it up again and she instantly changed the subject. I want to give her space and time but it’s been almost 2 weeks and she hasn’t found the time to even really hang out with me, let alone write that stupid letter. My only hope is that she truly has been busy and that she’ll find time for me soon. I know she has had a lot going on, but not too much to at least tell me what’s going on. Idk tho, my birthday is tomorrow so ig I’ll find out how much she cares then. Deep down i’m just kind of anticipating a dry birthday and am honestly way worse off now than I was before she ever lead me on. What do I even do?

1 comment
  1. > So I waited a few days and she never wrote it. I ended up reading some texts she sent to a group chat saying that she wasn’t sure what she wanted and pretty much said she’s sorta afraid of commitment.

    This is a very clear sign among all that you just said, that she’s not into you.

    Move on.

    You’re better off knowing this now, at a couple weeks out since the letter was given, than wasting months to years wondering what’s up.

    She is also 20 and I’m going to assume you are around her age, too.

    Many people in their 20’s, including me way back then (I’m in my 40’s) don’t know what they want at that age.

    Now if you know what kind of woman you want to be with, great. But she’s not it.

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