Why was the most ridiculous/petty argument you had with you SO?

  1. Two maybe three months into a relationship & she was seriously considering adopting a child, I’m like no…

    I don’t have an issue with adopting a child, just perhaps 2 or 3 years down the track, not months.

  2. Ongoing.

    We live near Lichfield in Staffordshire UK. It’s the 5th smallest city in the country. She refuses to call it a city, it’s a town.

    No it’s a city. The train station directly across from the bus station literally says “Lichfield city”.

    It’s very light-hearted and petty but she just won’t accept it’s a city.

    I swear next time we move I’m looking for houses in st David’s (the smallest city)

  3. Cats vs dogs as the best pets. I’m a cat person and she was a dog person. I don’t have anything against dogs, but I prefer cats because they’re cleaner and require less energy to keep them happy.

    I won the argument the day I was supposed to get a cat, and it became her cat before I could even hold it. We still want dogs one day but we’re happy with the two cats for now.

  4. Who’s going to empty the kitchen garbage. A week later, the only winners were the fruit flies.

  5. This happened within a couple of weeks after she moved in with me. She came storming into the kitchen shouting “Are you trying to piss me off? ARE YOU TRYING TO PISS ME OFF?” She waved a shampoo bottle under my nose and launched into a tirade about my having left the bottle’s flip-top cap open. I made the mistake of marrying her several months later – a year and a half later she walked out and filed for divorce.

  6. I just got off work around 6am and made us some food. Told her to eat closer to the table because I didn’t want food in the couch. Gave me a hard look and started complaining about how I was worrying too much over little stuff.

    I sleep on the couch more than my bed and didn’t want it to be dirty. Had to keep telling her to be quiet since it’s going on six in the morning and I live close by to neighbor’s. Maybe I did come off annoying since I told her a few times before, but I like having my space clean.

  7. I went out with work colleagues and there was a bold girl there. She isn’t part of my immediate team so I didn’t really talk to her but when I got home, my wife just went off on one.

    She inspected all my clothes and she didn’t find anything but when she found out the girl was bold, she said she’ll never know if I didn’t cheat on her.

  8. The latest and easily my favorite is wether or not to use stale bread to make french toast.

  9. A few years ago I was talking about how my wife’s sisters husband was such an asshole. He really was, he even treated our kids like shit, not to mention my SIL’s kids. Wife went off on me, “what makes you so perfect?!” and then went on to list off everything she hated about me, including stuff I did a decade prior before we were even married.

    Turns out this guy was abusive in every possible way, and he even called my wife a bunch of bad names to her face. I just wanted to say “how do ya like me now?!” But I didn’t, because that’s unproductive. But their divorce was a long and painful one, and he nearly destroyed her relationship with her kids, ruined her financially, etc.

  10. She believes that a sandwich cut diagonally tastes better then a sandwich cut across the middle. I told her she was nuts.

    This was 10 years ago, and we still being it up and bicker about it from time to time.

  11. She bought us a Sonicare toothbrush 2 pack. I thought it came with 2 UV sterilizers. It only came with one, I thought she was trying to pull a fast one on me. I didn’t talk to her for a week. She broke up with me shortly after, and I don’t blame her for that one bit. God I was such an asshole.

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