For context I am circumcized, wear boxer briefs with slim jeans and average or a little above in weight.

So I have this issue, whether I’m in a hot area or a cold one, where my penis essentially retracts inwards. It’s not like the cold shrinkage where everything gets smaller and shrinks in size but rather just the head feels like it’s shoved into the shaft. I’ve considered the possibility of it being my clothing choice but I have worn this same style for years and never had an issue with it until about last year. It doesn’t hurt or anything but it does feel extremely uncomfortable and sometimes I have to take a break just to pull it out.

If anyone has any thoughts to share on this matter that could help it would be very appreciated.

  1. Sounds like you have a buried penis? Sometimes during circumcision they take a little bit too much skin basically and so when you grow up that’s what happens to my knowledge I remember that I mentioned to this child’s parents because I work in a daycare that I noticed it with him because I’ve never seen it in any little boys and they said that they had already taken him in and that’s what was going on. [could it be this?](

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